"Now to him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us — to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen." (Ephesians 3:20 CSB)
This morning in worship, I was introduced to a song I had never heard before: Graves Into Gardens (Elevation Worship). As I sang to God He filled my heart with joy and I started to cry and thank Him as there is truly nothing better than Him. I've been humming, and sometimes accidentally singing while in public, parts of this song all day. As I sat down to write some more thoughts on John 10 for a post in a multipart series titled "The Shepherd and His Sheep", I checked my phone and noticed the daily verse widget I have said, "More than all we ask or Imagine Ephesians 3:20", so I flipped over to the passage and read the verses (given above) to refresh the context of Paul's words in my mind. The little Scripture image stopped just shy of the phrase that, as I read it, The Holy Spirit said "you get that?" - "According to the power that works in us". So I'm trying to capture a brief summary of what is flying through my head and heart and making me take deep breaths as I try to comprehend enough to put some of it into words.
κατὰ τὴν δύναμιν (kata tēn dynamin) - "According to the power". That's phenomenal! God can do above and beyond all we ask or even think. God is powerful, and we know that. He's God! Nothing is impossible with God. He created the world, the universe, and all that is in it. He sustains all life, provides for all things, controls all things. The power that healed the sick, the power that made dry bones live, the power caused it not to rain in Samaria for 3 years, the power that turned the day backwards, the power that won entire battles for Israel without even one Israelite soldier needing to fight, and so much more - it is according to THAT power. If that had been where the phrase stopped, that would be phenomenal still! Knowing that God's power is above all we ask or think; but we aren't directed here to see God's inexhaustible power illustrated in the things previously mentioned. No, the example we are provided, by The Holy Spirit, is this - "that works in us". "According to the power that works in us"! You know the power that created, sustains, provides for and controls all things? That turn-back-time power? That peek through the clouds and send an entire Egyptian nation retreating? Yeah, that power. THAT power is working in me! That power is working in you! That is the power that was at work in you when God removed your heart of stone and gave you a heart of flesh. That is the power that even while you were dead, made you alive and graciously gifted you faith. That is the power that chose you, redeemed you, calls you, is sanctifying you, and seals you. You and me, we are literally walking miracles. We are flabbergasted that he kept ravenous lions from tearing Daniel apart. We are in awe that He kept 3 men from burning alive when they refused to bow to an idol. We see the works of God all throughout the Scriptures and we are amazed, as we should be; but we should know that He hasn't stopped - our redemption, start to finish, was obtained through this power. To HIM be all the glory!
Do two things right now:
As you reach for your Bible, ask The Holy Spirit to speak to you through His Word
Read Ephesians 1-3
"According to the power that works in us"