"Adopt the same attitude as that of Christ Jesus,
who, existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God as something to be exploited. Instead he emptied himself by assuming the form of a servant, taking on the likeness of humanity. And when he had come as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death — even to death on a cross." Philippians 2:5-8 (CSB)
Humility has been an ongoing theme God has kept on my heart and mind over the last 2 weeks. A theme that I can't get away from. Not that I want to, but rather I am constantly having it whispered into my ear. The Holy Spirit reminds me throughout the day of my ever present need to be humble. I hear the commands to humble myself under the mighty hand of God, followed by the loving and humbling reminder that I can't - I need Him to work in me.
Tonight, I was working through some Journey material in preparation for a men's discipleship group I am a part of. My reading in John 17 regarding the prayer of Jesus asking God The Father to glorify Him with the glory he had before His incarnation led me to Philippians 2:5-8. As I was reading, there it was again - HUMILITY. And here's the humbling fact: He humbled himself by not considering His equality with God a thing to flaunt. God became a man. This is the "form of a servant". My mind had always read this phrase as "acting like a servant"; but it actually says "took the form of". The Creator, Who is served by His creation, became one of those things who serve. I can't fathom the disparity between the two roles; but imagine willingly being transformed from a wealthy, good looking, successful, well-loved man or woman with a face and physique that Hollywood clamors for into a worm (Psalm 22:6 "I am a worm…"). Then the worm community hates you, finds you not the least bit attractive, and actively seeks to leave you for dead; stranded on the sun baked sidewalk. Try telling them who you really are and they laugh at you, they mock you, they lash out at you in a rage. These foolish worms.
It seems a bit silly of an illustration but like I said, I'm incapable of depicting the humility that was displayed in God's incarnation. The Holy Spirit alone can drive it home to you. Jesus, God Eternal, laid all that glory aside and became a lowly servant - man. Then He bowed even lower and became a servant to the servants! He served them in love by healing, feeding, and proclaiming the truth of God's Kingdom to them. He showed them (and by extension, us) how to live and how to serve The Creator. Then He humbled Himself even further to the point of permitting Himself to be murdered at the hands of these lowly, created, rebelliously ignorant servants. These finite worms, too engulfed in their own foolish darkness to give an ounce of gratitude to their Creator. These rebellious servants who are so full of animosity that when told they can be restored to The Creator, would rather kill God than come to Him in obedient faith - that's who we are. He willingly dies at the hands of fallen humanity. And He willingly dies FOR fallen humanity.
The God that created and sustains all things, became like one of the things He created and sustains, and not of the non-sinful dogs, or donkeys, or myriad of other created things; no, rather like sinful man - the lowest of the low. The reason creation was under a curse. The one who let sin into the world - that creature is the form God chose to take. Then He was despised by this arrogantly foolish created species and still He loves them. They murder Him. It's this futile, fallen, murderous humanity He came for the purpose of redeeming. Massive abuse at every turn is what God suffered at the hands of worms.
And yet I feel anger at the person who pulls out in front of me inconveniently causing me to reduce my speed a bit. Dear Father, help me adopt the same attitude as that of Your Son, Jesus. I am powerless to affect the change of heart needed to have the humility of my LORD. Thank you for Your Spirit within me. Please work within me to make me humble, for when I am humble I am more like Jesus. Amen.