“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1
This is where the revelation of God begins, asserting the existence of The Almighty. There is no justification for His being. There are no apologies for His claims. There is no attempt to earn the right to be heard. Rather He speaks with the authority of one who must be heard. He enters into conversation with His creation as the One who’s word is to be unquestioningly received as absolute truth. He does this knowing full well that the reason there is a need for Self-revelation to those He has created in His Own image is , in part, due to the fallen natures they now possess. The pinnacle of His creation now has a blindness, a predisposition to disbelieve and distrust anything that is from Him. Yet, this has no effect on The One who is Holy. He is The I AM. He is The Truth. He is Love. Apart from His self-revelation, we would know nothing of Him. The best we could do is the best we have done. We can attempt to infer His characteristics. We can provide forms for our ideas of Him to inhabit. We can imagine Zeus, Athena, Aphrodite, Ahmet, Odin, Thor, and the like; but we could never know Him.
God is outside of us and like it is when we meet another individual, as they too are outside of us, we must begin where He meets us. A new acquaintance, in making their introduction, gives their name. We take them at their word and greet them using the name they provided. If/when they give their occupation, we take them at their word. So it is with God. One must believe Him. One must believe He is Who He says He is. One must believe He has done what He says He has done. One must believe He will do what He has said He will do. But first, one must believe He is. We ought to believe He is as we are the created while He is The Creator. We must believe He is as without this, there will be no further relationship. Without belief, that moment (the moment The Infinite God of all that is good bowed low to introduce Himself to the finite being with whom He longs to share all that is good) will be nothing greater than merely an introduction.
Nothing greater, but certainly something far worse for the creature. Refusal to accept God as He reveals Himself permits us to maintain the acquaintances we are most comfortable with, yet most in danger while in their company. To reject Him is to reject our obligation to our Creator, to reject the truth of reality and the ability to truly understand things as they are. It is to reject love, acceptance, mercy, grace, forgiveness, improvement and so much more. But to believe Him is life.
If you are to know Him, you must trust Him; and the more you come to know Him, the more you will trust Him.