How good it is to sing to our God,
for praise is pleasant and lovely." Psalm 147:1
Praising God is a privilege. Whether it is an accepted fact or not, it is still a fact; humans are created to worship. We have this hard-wiring that drives us to devote our life to something, to pursue that thing, to sacrifice whatever that thing must require - mankind worships. There are many who give very little consideration to this. These are generally people who worship their own passions, so oftentimes little consideration is given to their god as it is such a natural way for a fallen heart to worship. However, it seems the prevailing mindset among the portion of humanity who does give consideration to what they mindfully worship (regardless of what is chosen) is that our worship is a thing of value and the object we choose to receive our praise should be pleased and honored with our choice. The Psalmist here has a different take on it. Following his exclamation of Hallelujah! (God be praised!), he follows with an overflow of gratitude for being able to express the Hallelujah - "How good it is to sing to our God". It's similar to the phrase of joy when a mother and father see their son return home from an overseas tour of duty for their country, "I'm so glad you're home!" It's like the expression of two dear best friends who have been unable to catch up on each other's life for years, "It's so good to see you again!" It holds the kind of emotion expressed when one is stranded on the side of the road, and their friend pulls to the side with that full can of gas, "Am I glad to see you!"
"How good it is to sing praise to our God!" I'm overflowing with joy at the privilege of praising You, God!
"How good it is to sing praise to our God!" I have longed to be back in your house, with your children, singing praises to you, God!
"How good it is to sing praise to our God!" All my fears flee when I sing praise to my God.
"...for praise is pleasant and lovely." It is a beautiful thing to praise the God of all Things. This is the exclamation of the one doing the praising. It is brings joy to the one giving the praise.
The Psalmist goes on to list things for which he specifically praises God, but his song is encapsulated between two Hallelujah's, and it's these exclamations that connect each other to bring his praise full circle:
How good it is to sing to our God,
for praise is pleasant and lovely. …
He declares his word to Jacob,
his statutes and judgments to Israel.
He has not done this for every nation;
they do not know his judgments.
Psalm 147:1,19-20
You see what causes The Psalmist to count it as a privilege to praise the Almighty God? Yes, God has done supernatural things, God exalts the oppressed and judges the oppressor - He is just. God created all things and supplies the need of food and sustenance for those things. He isn't impressed with any amount of strength in creation as He is all powerful. He blesses the work of men's hands and looks after those who fear Him. These are examples of why God should be praised, but what causes the closing "God be praised!", what links the why God should be praised to the why praising God is a privilege is the historical and ever present truth that God "declared his word to Jacob… He has not done this for every nation". The electing grace of Almighty God is what causes the Psalmist to humbly rejoice in the amazing works of The Almighty. It is realizing that God has chosen to reveal Himself and His ways to the nation of Israel that causes the Psalmist to count it a beautiful privilege to praise the only true God.
When you're thanking God in prayer today, when you're singing praises to Him in your vehicle, on the lawn mower, or in church with His people may the Holy Spirit remind you, "Hallelujah! How good it is to sing to our God"!