"How will we escape if we neglect such a great salvation? This salvation had its beginning when it was spoken of by the Lord, and it was confirmed to us by those who heard him. At the same time, God also testified by signs and wonders, various miracles, and distributions of gifts from the Holy Spirit according to his will." Hebrews 2:3-4 (CSB)
The Triune God is active in effecting the gospel. The previous post on Ephesians 1 was to present the truth that the good news is the good news precisely because God has done it all, from start to finish. It is God alone who saves men. Isaiah tells us Jesus is "a covenant for the people" (Isaiah 42:6) Here we see that God doesn't just stop there. The all loving, gracious, covenant keeping God goes beyond just ensuring the gospel is completed so that there is a good news to proclaim, but He also is effectively active in the proclamation and confirmation of the gospel that He has procured for humanity.
"...spoken of by the Lord…" This good news was proclaimed by Jesus, the Son of God. The earthly ministry of Jesus is the gospel. He lived it, He spoke it. Everything He did was a pointer to the truth that the kingdom of God has come through Him. The long awaited Messiah was in the midst of humanity. There are 4 gospel accounts in the New Testament that share with us some of the teachings and actions of Jesus. Each of them close with the proclamation that Jesus both died and rose again as the one who accomplished the covenantal salvation Isaiah, and Jesus, prophesied. Jesus not only accomplished it, He proclaimed it. Acts 1:3 tells us that Jesus, " After he had suffered, he also presented himself alive to them by many convincing proofs, appearing to them over a period of forty days and speaking about the kingdom of God."
"God also testified…" The Father also bears witness to the truth of the gospel as He worked signs and wonders, miracles, through the very redeemed enemies that He sent to proclaim His gospel. This, in and of itself is a testament to the power of the gospel - that God would take a hate-breathing Pharisee like Saul of Tarshish, save him and make him an apostle to the Gentiles who suffered more for Jesus' name than you or I are likely to ever suffer. Through this converted Paul, as well as the other apostles, God worked miracles. This was to bear testimony that these men were speaking as ambassadors of God. This was to serve as confirmation of their message. The gospel of God is of such vital importance that once God accomplished it, He didn't merely sit down and toss it in the midst of a bunch of starving beggars to let whoever grab it that wanted to. He graciously proclaims, confirms the gospel.
"and distribution of gifts from the Holy Spirit…" The Holy Spirit also bears witness to the gospel. He not only confirms it to our hearts on a personal level, but also as He brings his children into membership of local churches. The distribution of gifts to His children, like living stones that he builds up into a spiritual house (1 Peter 2:5) to serve as a confirmation of the gospel. He effects ongoing change within the heart of the child of God that serves as not only a witness to the individual, but also an observable testimony to others of the true, life changing efficacy of the gospel. The Holy Spirit, Himself, is confirmation of the gospel as He is given as the sign and seal of the future glory that awaits. He speaks to those to whom He has been given, guiding them and empowering them to will and to do the will of God. He gives God's wisdom to God's chosen people, He gives peace and comfort in the midst of turmoil. When everything in the world seeks to deny the truth of the gospel of God, He is there, providing irrefutable proof that God not only has done this (Ps. 22:31), but is currently bringing it to bear on the hearts of lives of men and women.
The Triune God didn't just procure salvation for His people, He proclaims it. He didn't just complete the tasks to establish the covenant, He confirms the truth of that covenant and brings people into the restored, covenant relationship He has obtained for them.
"I — I am the Lord.
Besides me, there is no Savior.
I alone declared, saved, and proclaimed —"
(Isaiah 43:11-12a CSB)